Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Keeping Bigger Bit Busy: Tot School Workboxes

Here's what has been keeping Bigger Bit busy this week!

I picked up this set of three little animal puzzles at WalMart over the weekend.  Bigger Bit likes animals, and likes puzzles, so this has been a good "fit" for her.  She does all three at once, which is an added challenge.  Plus, she has learned the names of all the animals in the puzzle through asking questions.

Sorting pumpkins by size, from biggest to smallest.  She got pretty confused after this point, so I took every other size out the next day, to give more distinction between the sizes and help her develop that visual discrimination. 

Leapfrog Fridge Phonics game.  I generally avoid toys that make noise, but she likes this a lot.  It can be used to make three letter words, but she just uses the setting where it reads the letter and gives the sound as she puts the letters into the slots.  

 Sorting blocks by color.  She likes these little blocks (I grabbed them in the Target dollar section a few months ago), and sorts them by color.

One-to-One correspondence.  She has nine slots in the box, and nine of these cute, sequenced Thanksgiving-ish balls.  One ball in each slot helps develop that one-to-one correspondence that is so crucial. 

Numerals and feather counters!  Numerals 1-5, and feather counters.  She loves this one!

 Sorting pom-poms by color.  She likes pom-poms, so this will hold her attention for quite a while!

Tot School

Workbox Wednesday


  1. Thank you for linking up with Workbox Wednesday! Good to know that I am not the only person who steers away from noisy toys! Looks like she had fun!

  2. Looks like fun! I need a segmented box like that! Very cool!

  3. It came from the dollar store! I was surprised. I grabbed, like, 5 of them - we use them in our sensory boxes, for "tot school", for my preschoolers activities, etc. Very multipurpose!

  4. How cool!

    Hi! Stopping by from MBC. Great blog!
    Have a nice day!

  5. Like the feather counting/ Reminded me I have feathers tucked in the back of the closet. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I really like the feather counting and pom pom colour sorting...I will try to remember those!

