Friday, November 25, 2011

Christmas Cards!

With Thanksgiving over and Black Friday quickly drawing to a close, I'm starting to work through Christmas.  

While other people start with lists of gifts to buy, or holiday decoration plans, the first decision I always make is our Christmas cards.  Because we have family who live far away and we don't see often, our holiday cards are an important way to share our year with family. 

My first choice for photo cards in recent years has been Tiny Prints.  From birth announcements through invitations, Tiny Prints truly seems to have a card for most occasions! Their quality and customer service have been wonderful for us.  In fact, we're so pleased with Tiny Prints that they have agreed to give our family 50 holiday cards just for sharing our Christmas card plans with you all! 

I've spent a few hours reviewing the holiday cards available on Tiny Prints this year, and I've narrowed my options to two!  Since I'm having a hard time deciding, I thought I'd share both with you.  

The first option is the Fun Fair Isle: Bright Green.  This is a cute card, I love the colors, and the inside spins, so you can double the amount of pictures!  

The second option we're looking at this year is the Berry Wonderful: Cranberry tri-fold card.  This is also bright, fun color and holds 10 pictures!  

Our Christmas card sending secret... we don't take christmas pictures to use in our cards!  Every year, I intend to.. and we never get around to it before it's time to order cards.  So, instead, I take my favorite pictures of the kids, both together and separate, through the year, convert them all to black and white in photoshop, and use those on our cards!  With a bright card, black and white pictures look super-cute, and they save the problem of "this picture doesn't match that picture".  

Check out all of Tiny Print's cards here.  What's your favorite? 


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