Matching feather patterns (pages 2-4). Use either the feather print-outs included on page 4, or use real feathers (we found ours on Amazon), match the patterns shown.
Size sorting pumpkins (page 5). Cut out the pumpkins, then arrange them from biggest to smallest.
Completing feather patterns (pages 6-7). Cut out the feathers in the last row along the dotted lines, and use them to complete the feather patterns (or use real feathers to complete the patterns).
Push-Pin Pumpkin (page 8). Use a push pin, a stylus, or scissors to remove the pumpkin shape.
Cutting strips (page 9). Cut the paper into strips along the solid lines, then let the child cut the strips on the dotted lines.
Letter sequencing (page 10). Cut apart the letter turkeys, then sequence them by letter. Older children can also make simple CVC words with the letters.
Pumpkin addition (pages 11-12). Use the addition problems, the answer cards, and the pumpkin seed counters to solve basic addition problems.
Line tracing (pages 13-14).
Numerals and counters (pages 15-17). Turkey numerals and feather counters for numbers 0-20.
Color sorting (pages 18-21). Sort the right color feathers onto the turkey, using either the feather cut-outs or real feathers.
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