Check out the cute turkey namecards my kids made for Thanksgiving!
Here's what we started with: "tubes" (I made mine from rolled and glued cardstock. Toilet paper rolls or cut paper towel rolls would work REALLY well, I just never remember to save mine!), feathers (freehanded from construction paper), noses, eyes, and turkey bodies (I freehanded them.. it's loosely a peanut shape, with an exaggerated roundness on bottom.)
The Princess generously agreed to demonstrate how she made daddy's turkey. :-) She wrote the letters for "daddy" on the feathers.
She used a gluestick to glue to eyes, the red "gobbler" and the nose into place.
This turkey was having trouble standing up, and it was frustrating her, so she glued a strip of cardstock to the back.
She glued the feathers to the back of the turkey, making sure to place them in the right order to spell the name correctly.
Once the feathers are kind of dry (doesn't take long with glue stick), glue the turkey to the tube. Make sure it stands up, and you're good to go!
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Really cute! Rolled tubes are probably better than toilet paper rolls on the dinner table anyway! :)