The third (and final) set of Autumn Apples Activities is now available for download from Scribd! (A note: to skip the breakdown and go right to the download, scroll to the bottom of the page. Thank you.)

Here's what's included this week:
Greater Than, Less Than game (page 2-3). Cut the greater than/less than arrows, and use them to answer the questions.
Parts of an apple three-part cards set (pages 4-6). Use one set of whole cards, with both the pictures and the names, and one set of divided cards, where the pictures and the names are separate. Let the child match the whole cards to the individual picture and name cards. Consider cutting up an apple to look at all it's parts while using the cards.
Parts of a leaf three-part cards set (pages 7-9). Use one set of whole cards, with both the pictures and the names, and one set of divided cards, where the pictures and the names are separate. Let the child match the whole cards to the individual picture and name cards. Go outside and find fallen leaves to identify the parts!
Counting by twos numerals (page 10). Sequence the cards in the correct order by counting by twos.
Finding the middle numbers (page 11-12). Cut the manipulatives on page 15 and use them to fill in what number comes in the middle.
Finding the middle letters (13-14). Cut the manipulatives on page 15 and use them to fill in what letter comes in the middle.
Beginning sounds (page 16). Color the picture in each row that starts with the letter shown.
Ending sounds (page 17). Color the picture in each row that ends with the letter shown.
Telling time to the hour three-part cards (pages 18-21). Use one set of whole cards, with both the times shown on the clock and the numeral description of the time (ie, 7:00) and one set of divided cards, where the times shown on the clock and the numeral descriptions are separate. Let the child match the whole cards to the individual clock and numeral description cards.
Drawing autumn shapes (page 22). Practice drawing the autumn shape shown in each box.
Sorting coins by value (page 23). Use real or fake coins, and sort them by value (one cent, five cents, ten cents, twenty five cents). For younger children, put the first coin for each value in the correct category, so they can match it.
Color words three-part cards (pages 24-25). Use one set of whole cards, with both the colors and the names, and one set of divided cards, where the colors and the names are separate. Let the child match the whole cards to the individual color and name cards.
Here's the download, via Scribd (non-commercial use only, please! Thank you!)
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